Assisted Living
Treat in place, support staff in the moment, and care better anytime with a revolutionarily simple, 24/7 telehealth platform that keeps assisted living residents on-site for treatment 96% of the time.
Access to care
Treat in place rate
Average wait time
Give AMAPs the guidance they need any time, days, nights, and weekends, and make shift changes seamless. Our providers come to each call with patient info at their fingertips, ready to sort urgent issues from wait-and-sees, preventing unnecessary hospital admissions.
Solve medical issues on-site rather than transporting residents or risking additional illness from waiting rooms and ER visits.
Give everyone at your facility the gift of round-the-clock peace of mind. Residents can initiate calls anytime, and caregivers can be assured their loved ones are getting the support they deserve. Families can even join calls if desired.
Never Alone is long-term care telehealth that makes treating on-site easier, day or night.
Add details about each resident to the Never Alone platform, including insurance information. All patient info is ready and waiting when a call is initiated.
Select whether your call is medical or non-medical with just a tap, ensuring our providers enter the conversation prepared.
Meet with a provider in under 3 minutes to get guidance, determine a care plan, or escalate if necessary.
The Never Alone platform utilizes a trusted, single-purpose, single-app device, reducing potential safety and security issues. Users may only listen to conversations when directly on a call; it is not a passive watching or listening device and cannot be used as such. Think of our product as a dedicated, secure line where the only purpose is conducting one-to-one medical conversations.
We’re available in a growing list of states. Please contact us to see if we’re already available or coming soon to yours.
Thirty days from start to finish. During that time, you and your staff will be guided through an onboarding process, receive devices, sign up with a provider, and upload patient information to our system.
Never Alone is where high-touch personal care and innovative technology intersect to create comprehensive care at your fingertips. Contact us and we’ll show you how.
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